Connect with Your Power, Find Your Path

picture of a stone path way

Often when we are in state of transition and change, whether it’s around relationships, career or even within ourselves, we encounter obstacles to our growth. Sometimes these challenges are outside of us and sometimes we create them.

Transition, Change, and Understanding

Examining those obstacles during therapy, coming to better understand them and change self-defeating behavior patterns keeping them in place is just part of the work we will do together.

In addition to fear and self-doubt, our difficulties can be the result of some trauma we’ve experienced. Trauma is a big word, and we typically associate it with a big life event, but, in truth, trauma can come to us in small ways, and often does.

Relaxtion rocks to help with therapy

Coping with Change, Overcoming Loss or Trauma

Find your Path

Counseling can help you whether it is the loss of a job, end of a relationship or the consequences of a car accident. Events can stay with us in unexpected ways.

Get in Touch with Us!

With more than 20 years of experience and extensive training, we are qualified experts in the field of psychotherapy. 

We’d love to talk to you about how we can help you be your best!

Please call us at 860.966-7790 to set up your free phone consultation.

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Greater Hartford Counseling Center
8 Lowell Road, West Hartford, CT 06119

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